Our original stage adaptation of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, is based on the beloved children's tale by Dr. Seuss, where the reclusive green Grinch executes his plan to ruin Christmas for the cheery citizens of Whoville, when he is changed forever by a Who. What you will see in our original stage adaptation, written by Amber Myers, is a few new characters added in to tell the story of what shrunk the Grinch's heart. Not only the Grinch is transformed by the true meaning of Christmas.
Auditions for our Holiday Production of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", Written by Amber Myers.
Where? There will be two productions of this show, with two casts. Solo Singing Roles: The Grinch, The Cat, Cindy Lou Who, and Martha.
One will be held at the First Presbyterian Church
(on the 3rd floor)
210 W 5th St.
Marysville, OH 43040
The other will be held at The Wagnalls Memorial Auditorium:
The Wagnalls Memorial Auditorium
150 East Columbus Street, Lithopolis, OH 43136
Character list:
Mrs. Cat in the Hat
The Grinch
Cindy Lou Who
Thing 1
Thing 2
4 Who Carolers
Mayor Maywho
Who 1
Who 2
Who 3
Police Officer 1
Police Officer 2
Young Martha
Young Grinch
Young Augustus
Performances: Wagnalls: Dec. 10-12, Marysville: Dec. 17-19
Rehearsal schedules To Be Announced.
Where? There will be two productions of this show, with two casts. Solo Singing Roles: The Grinch, The Cat, Cindy Lou Who, and Martha.
One will be held at the First Presbyterian Church
(on the 3rd floor)
210 W 5th St.
Marysville, OH 43040
The other will be held at The Wagnalls Memorial Auditorium:
The Wagnalls Memorial Auditorium
150 East Columbus Street, Lithopolis, OH 43136
Character list:
Mrs. Cat in the Hat
The Grinch
Cindy Lou Who
Thing 1
Thing 2
4 Who Carolers
Mayor Maywho
Who 1
Who 2
Who 3
Police Officer 1
Police Officer 2
Young Martha
Young Grinch
Young Augustus
Performances: Wagnalls: Dec. 10-12, Marysville: Dec. 17-19
Rehearsal schedules To Be Announced.